Posts What is Jekyll?

What is Jekyll?

History of Jekyll:

Jekyll was first released by Tom Preston-Werner in 2008.Jekyll was later taken over by Parker Moore, who led the effort in releasing Jekyll 1 and has been the new maintainer since then.

Jekyll started a web development trend towards static websites.from 2017, Jekyll is the most popular static site generator, largely due to its adoption by GitHub.

Features of Jekyll:

Instead of using databases, Jekyll takes the content, renders Markdown or Textile and Liquid templates, and produces a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache HTTP Server, Nginx or another web server.Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub Pages, a GitHub feature that allows users to host websites based on their GitHub repositories for no additional cost.

Jekyll is flexible and can be used in combination with front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap, Semantic UI and many others.

Jekyll sites can be connected to cloud-based CMS software such as CloudCannon, Forestry, Netlify or Siteleaf, enabling content editors to modify site content without having to know how to code.

What is Jekyll?

Jekyll is a parsing engine bundled as a ruby gem used to build static websites from dynamic components such as templates, partials, liquid code, markdown, etc. Jekyll is known as “a simple, blog aware, static site generator”.

What does Jekyll do?

Jekyll is installed as a ruby gem local computer. Once installed you can call jekyll serve in the terminal in a directory and provided that directory is setup in a way jekyll expects, it will do magic stuff like parse markdown/textile files, compute categories, tags, permalinks, and construct your pages from layout templates and partials.

Once parsed, Jekyll stores the result in a self-contained static _site folder. The intention here is that you can serve all contents in this folder statically from a plain static web-server.

You can think of Jekyll as a normalish dynamic blog but rather than parsing content, templates, and tags on each request, Jekyll does this once beforehand and caches the entire website in a folder for serving statically.

If you want to make your own jekyll site then go ahead and make it here Make your jekyll site

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